Since 2015, the Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC) has converted several of its public housing sites under the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development's Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program. A benefit of the RAD program is that major renovations to aging buildings are made through private investment to preserve affordable housing and improve the quality of life for low-income residents.
RAD Conversion – Phase I and II
The properties that were selected for Phases I and II of HABC’s RAD conversions consisted mainly of mixed-population buildings. To date, 20 RAD renovations are currently underway or have been completed, including:
- Bernard E. Mason
- Bel Park Tower
- Broadway 58 (Homes of Arundel)
- Broadway Overlook
- Chase House
- Heritage Crossing
- Hollander Ridge
- Hollins House
- Hillside Park Apartments
- Govans Manor
- J. Van Story Branch
- Lakeview Towers
- McCulloh Homes Extension
- Monument East
- Pleasant View Gardens (senior building)
- Pleasant View Gardens Townhomes
- Primrose Place
- Rosemont Low-rise
- Rosemont Towers
- Somerset Extension
- The Allendale Apartments
- The Ellerslie Apartments
- The Brentwood Apartments
- The Terraces Senior Building
- The Wyman House
Before & During RAD Conversion Sample Images

After RAD Conversion Sample Images

The following sites are expected to convert within the next 6 to 8 years (from 2019):
- Perkins Homes
- Poe Homes
- McCulloh Homes