Strategic Plan Video Series
Strategic Plan Objective Complete! Corliss Alston (Sustain) |
Strategic Plan Objective Complete! Tracey Oliver-Keyser (Sustain) |
Strategic Plan Task 3.2.3 Complete! Cheryl Harrison-Jackson (Advocate) |
Strategic Plan Task 3.4.2 Complete! Faith Young (Advocate) |
Strategic Plan Task 2.1.5 Complete! John Airey (Innovate) |
Strategic Plan Objective Complete! Michael Moore (Transform) |

2019 Strategic Plan
As we continue to construct an updated document including our new four-pronged approach, feel free to review our 2019 Strategic Plan document, Pathways to Success.
Download Here
Why the Plan is Necessary
The platform for public housing across the nation is shifting away from traditional programs. Federal funding for public housing authorities has been steadily declining over the past decade, while the capital needs of aging housing inventories accumulate and the demand for affordable housing grows. Programs like the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) and other initiatives have been implemented to address this imbalance and leverage the funding necessary to preserve deeply affordable housing. Within the next few years, over one-third of HABC's public housing portfolio will be converted to private ownership through RAD. The time is right to for HABC to perform a careful evaluation of our assets and organizational structure to determine our path going forward.

How the Plan was Developed
HABC engaged EJP, an experienced industry consulting team, to assist in creating the strategic plan in 2018. The process included input from many stakeholders - HABC staff and Board of Commissioners, residents and program participants, City agencies and elected officials, community and advocacy groups, anchor institutions, philanthropic organizations, for- and nonprofit developers, etc. A series of focus groups, committee meetings and public meetings were held, and a final plan was adopted by the Board of Commissioners on September 17, 2019.

Engagement Activities
A Special Thank You to All Those Who Contributed!
We would like to thank all the members for their time and feedback during this process:
- Janet Abrahams, HABC President & CEO
- Corliss Alston, HABC Housing Choice Voucher Program
- Michael Barb, Sandtown-Winchester
- Wanda Best, Upton Planning Committee Inc.
- Crystal Branch, HABC Resident Advisory Board
- Michael Braverman, Baltimore City Dept of Housing & Community Development
- James Brennan, Baltimore City Dept of Education
- Ella Broadway, HABC Resident Advisory Board
- Sonia Brookins-Santelises, Baltimore City Dept of Education
- Kate Brower, Baltimore City Dept. of Rec and Parks
- Blanca Carrasquillo, HABC Housing Operations
- Robin Carter, HABC Board of Commissioners
- Anita Chavis, HABC Capital Planning
- Ada Cherry/Mahoi, HABC Resident Advisory Board
- Rudolph Chow, Baltimore City Dept of Public Works
- Jeannine Dunn, HABC Executive Director's Office
- Antonia Fasanelli, Homeless Persons Representation Project
- Andrew Frank, Johns Hopkins University (Office of President)
- Jalal Greene, Baltimore City Dept of Housing & Community Development
- Rev Alvin Hathaway, Union Baptist Church
- Bridgette Hooper, HABC Housing Operations-O'Donnell
- Steve Janes, Baltimore City Dept of Housing & Community Development
- Marvin Jones, HABC Housing Operations-McCulloh
- Amy Kleine, Harry & Jeannette Weinberg Foundation
- Mary Leighton, HABC Resident Advisory Board
- Molly Martin, Baltimore City Health Dept
- Michael Middleton, Cherry Hill Development Corp
- Reginald Moore, Baltimore City Dept. of Rec and Parks
- Frank Murphy, Baltimore City Dept of Transportation
- Tracy Oliver/Keyser, HABC Resident Services
- Brien O'Toole, MD State Dept of Housing & Community Dev
- Allison Perkins-Cohen, Baltimore City Dept of Education
- Michelle Pourcaiu, Baltimore City Dept of Transportation
- David Prater, Disability Rights Maryland
- Salem Reiner, Johns Hopkins University
- Gary Rodwell, Coppin Heights CDC
- Barbara Samuels, American Civil Liberties Union
- Michael Seipp, Southwest Partnership
- Joseph Smith, HABC Board of Commissioners
- Stephanie Smith, Baltimore City Planning Dept
- Perry Standfield, Baltimore City Police Dept
- Joyce Stewart, HABC Executive Director's Office
- Thomas Stosur, Baltimore City Planning Dept
- Dale Thompson, Baltimore City Dept of Public Works
- Ashley Valis, University of Maryland
- Monica Watkins, HABC Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer
- Peggy Webster, HABC Planning & Development
- Leana Wen, Baltimore City Health Dept
- Kira Wilpone/Welborn, Disability Rights Maryland
- Lauren Young, Disability Rights Maryland