On Monday May 20th The Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC) was represented at the Urban Land Institutes Small Scale Developer Forum: When Opportunity Abounds! This year’s Forum encouraged small developers to review low cost/high-risk neighborhoods in Baltimore that require strong discipline and skill to see that one does not over estimate market or redevelopment costs.
Participants in this two-day event were given an introduction to the City of Baltimore and the program’s first presentation Beyond the Wire: What and Why Baltimore? was delivered by HABC’s Executive Director, Janet Abrahams.
Other topics included Opportunity Zones, Developments in East Baltimore and a Case Study of the Sagamore-Pendry Hotel. Activities incorporated into this event included a walking tour of historic downtown and the waterfront and a bus tour of the Baltimore Arts District. Day two highlighted skill sessions in finance and legal matters, and a review of the Baltimore where adaptive re-use and re-purposing of industrial buildings refresh the vibrancy of neighborhoods in our City.