For Immediate Release
Date: July 28, 2023
Housing Authority of Baltimore City Reopens Public Housing Waiting List
13,000 randomly selected applicants will be on the waitlist, open from Aug. 1 through Aug. 14
BALTIMORE — The Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC) today announced that for the first time in four years the waiting list for the Low-Income Public Housing Program (LIPH) will be reopened.
Public Housing is a federally funded, locally administered rental assistance program that helps low-income families with children, including the elderly and individuals with disabilities, afford safe and suitable housing. HABC will utilize a lottery system and randomly select 13,000 applicants who apply for placement on the waiting list.
The LIPH waiting list will be open to accept applications between Aug. 1 and Aug. 14. Applicants must submit an online preliminary application to be considered for the Random Representation Selection (RRS). If less than 13,000 residents submit completed applications, HABC will place all those individuals and families on the waiting list according to a computerized random sort.
“We urge all eligible individuals and families to utilize this opportunity and get placed on the new housing list,” said Janet Abrahams, HABC’s President and CEO. “The application process provides equal access for all interested applicants. All applications in the RRS pool will have an equal chance of being selected.”
The waiting list applications must be submitted online at Several sites around the city will also be open to the public for those who need access to a computer or Internet. The list of sites and their hours can be obtained online and by calling the call center representative at 1-888-301-8292. Individuals with disabilities or others who need additional support can also contact the call center for assistance.
“We are making it a priority to get the word out about this important moment,” said Abrahams. “Every traditional and digital outreach platform will be targeted.”
Following the closure of the two-week application period, HABC will randomly select the applicants for placement on the waiting list, notify the applicants who were randomly selected of their placement on the waiting list, and notify all other applicants that they were not selected for placement on the list.
When vacant units become available, HABC will select the applicants in their order on the waiting list, which is also determined by RRS, admission preferences and size and type of the unit needed. As housing units become available, those next on the waiting list will be contacted to complete a full eligibility application.
Eligibility for the LIPH is determined based on HABC’s Public Housing Admissions & Continued Occupancy Policy (ACOP) screening criteria. Eligible families must have gross annual incomes that do not exceed 50% of the median income for the county or metropolitan area in which the family resides.
About HABC
HABC is the fifth largest public housing authority in the U.S., providing quality affordable housing for more than 23,000 households. The agency creates diverse and vibrant communities, provides opportunities for self-sufficiency, and builds pathways for strong partnerships.