Housing Authority of Baltimore City Offers Incentives to Attract More Landlords to Housing Choice Voucher Program

BALTIMORE | October 3, 2022
- The Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC) is seeking commitments from property owners to provide valuable housing opportunities for eligible families in its Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP). The program helps Baltimore’s low-income residents offset the cost of rent for affordable, safe housing.

Property owners who become landlords through HCVP will receive a sign-on bonus of up to $1,500 for any given unit as a new participant. Under the program, landlords are protected from financial loss if the participant suffers unexpected financial hardship.

“We recognize that there is a housing shortage and the need for affordable housing; especially in neighborhoods with more amenities, says HABC President and CEO Janet Abrahams. We need quality landlords who are invested in Baltimore communities to participate in this program.”

There are currently more than 13,000 participants who receive rent assistance through HABC’s HCVP. There are more than 1,800 voucher holders searching for a home to live.

The U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides housing vouchers for HABC’s low-income residents to offset the cost of rent. However, in the past few years not enough property owners have been participating in the program to meet the demand despite the benefits that come with being an HABC landlord.

This has become a major issue and unfortunately left families who have been issued vouchers unable to find an appropriate unit. In some cases that means they must live out of hotel rooms or in a shelter,” Abrahams said. “Although we have hundreds of landlords already in our program, we determined these special incentives will entice new landlords to participate in the voucher program.

Along with the financial incentives, participating landlords will be afforded an opportunity to their property using the free online listing service, which is administered by an independent company. HABC also assists landlords with pre-screening tenants in addition to their own screening process.

All participating HCVP participating landlords must meet all applicable Federal and HABC property requirements.

Working together, we can help provide quality housing opportunities to qualified families in Baltimore City,” said Abrahams.

For more information about how property owners can become an HABC landlord, please visit

About HABC
HABC is the fifth largest public housing authority in the U.S., providing quality affordable housing for more than 23,000 households. The agency creates diverse and vibrant communities, provides opportunities for self-sufficiency, and builds pathways for strong partnerships. #bmoreHABC